Ju-Young Kim (with Young-Mok Bae, Seung-Hyun Choi, Kwang-Jae Kim) 2022 Spring Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Presentation title: PCB 기반 측정데이터의 공간적, 관계적 특성을 반영한 결측값 대체 방법 개발) |
Seung-Hyun Choi (with Young-Gwan Kim, Young-Mok Bae, Ju-Young Kim, Dong-Hee Lee, Kwang-Jae Kim) 2022 Spring Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Presentation title: 공정 경로 중복 현상이 존재하는 다단계·다중설비 제조 공정의 결함 의심 설비 선별 방법 개발) |
Eun-Ji Jo (with Do-Hyeon Ryu, Jin-Sil Lee, Jun-Su Lee, Jeong-Min Yun, Kwang-Jae Kim) 2021 Fall Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Presentation title: 스마트안전 리빙랩에서의 스마트 무전 귀마개 사용자경험 평가) |
Do-Hyeon Ryu, Kwang-Jae Kim The ANQ Congree Best Paper Award (Paper title: Exploring Factors on Residents' AMI Acceptance: A Focus on Information Privacy Concerns and Perceived Electricity Usage Habits) |
Ju-Young Kim, Eun-Ji Jo, Do-Hyeon Ryu, Seung-Hyun Choi 2021 Electric Data AI Competition (Presentation title: 전기차 사용자 분산 및 충전소 품질 향상 솔루션) |
Seung-Hyun Choi (with Dong-Hee Lee, Eun-Su Kim, Young-Mok Bae, Young-Chan Oh, Jong-Bum Park, and Kwang-Jae Kim) 2021 Spring Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Presentation title: 반도체 제조 공정의 군집성 불량 패턴의 원인 설비 탐색 체계) |
Do-Hyeon Ryu (with Jae-Rim Choi, Kwang-Jae Kim, Jin-Sil Lee, Jeong-Min Yun, Min-Seon Kim, and Sung-Ho Choi) 2021 Spring Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Presentation title: 스마트안전 리빙랩에서의 초음파 푸드 프로세서 사용자경험 평가) |
Jae-Rim Choi (with Do-Hyeon Ryu, Kwang-Jae Kim) 2020 Fall Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Presentation title: 리빙랩 방법론 및 프로세스 분석) |
Kwang-Jae Kim Academic Excellence Award, Korean Society of Quality Management |
Seung-Hyun Choi (with Eun-Su, Kim, Young-Mok Bae, Chan-Ho, Hwang, Young-Chan, Oh, Dong-hee Lee, Kwang-Jae Kim) 2020 Spring Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Paper title : 반도체 제조 공정 내 웨이퍼 결함 패턴 관련 핵심 설비 탐색) |
Do-Hyeon Ryu (with Ryu-Hee, Kim, Seung-Hyun Choi, Kwang-Jae Kim) 2020 Spring Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Paper title : 전력 사용 데이터를 활용한 이웃 간 전기기기 소음에 따른 불편함 평가: 캠퍼스 아파트 사례연구) |
Ki-Hun Kim Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH (Paper title : A Framework for Lifelogs-based Wellness Index Development in Smart Wellness Services) |
Chie-Hyeon Lim, Min-Jun Kim, Ki-Hun Kim, Kwang-Jae Kim (with Paul Maglio) 2018 Jounal of Service Theory and Practice Best Paper Awards (Paper title: Using data to advance service: managerial issues and theoretical implications from action research) |
2018. 01. | Ki-Hun Kim (with Kwang-Jae Kim, Chie-Hyeon Lim, and Jun-Yeon Heo) 2018 Fall Conference of Korean Society of Quality Management Best Presentation Award in Quality Management (Paper title: 대학생 건강관리 서비스에서의 Lifelog-based Daily Wellness Index 활용) |
2017. 08. | Ki-Hun Kim, Kwang-Jae Kim (with Dae-Ho Lee and Min-Geun Kim) Highly Commended Award in International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-8) (Paper title: Identification of Critical Quality Dimensions for Continuance Intention in mHealth Services: A Case Study of Onecare Service) |
2017. 07. | Chang-Ho Lee (with Young-Mok Bae, Dong-Hee Lee, Kwang-Jae Kim) Best Presentation Award in The 16th China-Korea Bilateral Symposium on Quality (Paper title: A Review of Recent Literature on Semiconductor Manufacturing Process Improvement) |
2017. 04. | Ki-Hun Kim (with Kwang-Jae Kim, Chie-Hyeon Lim, Jun-Yeon Heo, Dae-Ho Lee, and Min-Geun Kim) Best Student Paper Award in International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science 2017 (IRC-SEMS 2017) (Paper title: Analysis of Quality Attributes in an mHealth Behavior Monitoring Service for College Students) |
2017. 01. | Ki-Hun Kim (with Chie-Hyeon Lim, Jun-Yeon Heo, and Kwang-Jae Kim) 2016 IME Graduate Student Research Competition Subsidy Award, POSTECH (Paper title: Development of a Daily Health Behavior Index for College Students) |
2017. 01. | Ki-Hun Kim, Chang-ho Lee, Do-Hyun Ryu, and Young-Mok Bae 2016 IME Graduate Student Research Competition Group Award, POSTECH |
2016. 06. | Chie-Hyeon Lim, Min-Jun Kim, Ki-Hun Kim, and Kwang-Jae Kim (with Paul Maglio) SERVSIG 2016 Best Paper Award (Paper title: Data-driven Customer Process Management: A New Paradigm for Co-Creating Value with Customer Data) |
2016. 05. | Do-Hyeon Ryu (with Chie-Hyeon Lim, and Kwang-Jae Kim) Best Presentation Award in Quality Management, 2016 Spring Korea Quality Congress (Presentation title: Development of Online-To-Offline Service Blueprint) |
2015. 04. | Min-Jun Kim (with Chie-hyeon Lim, Chang-ho Lee, Kwang-Jae Kim, Jin-Woo Jeon, Yong-Sung Park) Best Student Paper Award in International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science 2015 (IRC-SEMS 2015) (Paper title: Identifying Service Opportunities for Enhancing the Driving Safety of Buses: A Data-driven Approach) |
2015. 02. | Ki-Hun Kim Best Presenter on Special Topics in Advanced Industrial Engineering Class, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH (Paper title: Development of Data-driven Healthcare Service Concepts: A Case Study with National Health Insurance Service of Korea) |
2014. 11. | Kwang-Jae Kim Jung-Hun Academic Excellence Award, Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers |
2014. 05. | Chie-Hyeon Lim (with Kwang-Jae Kim Best Presentation Award in Quality Management, 2014 Spring Korea Quality Congress (Presentation title: A Service Blueprinting Framework for Service Quality Evaluation) |
2012. 11. | Min-Jun Kim, Kwang-Jae Kim, Hyun-Jin Kim, and Chie-Hyeon Lim Service Science Session Best Paper Award, Fall Conference of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineering (Paper title: Development of Automobile Service Concepts using a Data-driven Approach) |
2012. 06. | Kwang-Jae Kim (with Lee, H., Oh, G., Hong, Y., Park, K., Yook, T.) Design Engineering Workshop 2011 Best Paper Award (Paper title: Business Ecosystem Improvement for Platform Leadership: An Application of a Relation-Based Model to the Mobile ERP Industry in Korea) |
2011. 02. | Dong-Hee Lee Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH (Paper title : Solution Selection Methods to Multiresponse Surface Optimization) |
2010. 05. | Kwang-Jae Kim (with Dr. Hong, Dr. Shin, Dr. Cho, Dr. Jung, Dr. Lee, Dr. Park, Dr. Hong, Dr. Kang, Dr. Shin) 2009 Best Paper Award, Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (Paper title : Services Innovation:Research Framework and Research Issues) |
2009. 02. | Kwang-Jae Kim The Proud Postechian Award 2008 (Education) |
2007. 02. | Deok-Hwan Kim Best Presenter on Special Topics in Advanced Industrial Engineering Class, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH (Paper title : Robust QFD -Methdology and Software Development) |
2006. 02. | In-Jun Jeong Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH (Paper title : Interactive Desirability Function Approach to Multiresponse Optimization) |
2005. 08. | Kwang-Jae Kim, Dae-Kee Min, and Deok-Hwan Kim (with B., Choi, P., Lee, and S., Lee) NemoSigma Best Paper Award, Korean Society for Quality Management (Paper title : A Systematic Generation of CTQ Candidates in DFSS/C:Methodology Development and A Case Study) |
2004. 11. | In-Jun Jeong and Kwang-Jae Kim (with T. Ryu and H. Ryu) Best Paper Award, Korean Institute of Industrial Engineering (Paper title : Development and application of a generation method of human models for a design support system in virtual environment) |
2004. 01. | Kwang-Jae Kim (with J. Kwon, J. Lee, S. Lee, and C. Jun) Best Paper Award, Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society (Paper title : Multiresponse Optimization Considering Robustness to Process Parameter Fluctuation) |
2004. 01. | Jeong-Hun Lim, Dae-Kee Min, and Kwang-Jae Kim Best Paper Award, Korean Society for Quality Management (Paper title : Fuzzy KANO Model: Fuzzy Set-Based Classification of Customer Requirement) |
2002. 11. | Hyun-Woo Cho Student Paper Award, QSR section of INFORMS (Paper title : Fault Diagnosis of Batch Processes : A New Statistical Approach Using Discriminant Model) |
2002. 01. | Hyun-Woo Cho Best Paper Award, The seventh annual international conference on industrial engineering (Paper title : A New Statistical Approach to Diagnosing Batch Processes) |
1999. 04. | Kwang-Jae Kim (with D. Lin) 1998 Best Paper Award, Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (Paper title : Dual Response Surface Optimization: A Fuzzy Modeling Approach) |
1998. 01. | Kwang-Jae Kim (with J. Byun) Baek-Am Best Paper Award, Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (Paper title : A Desirability Function Approach to the Robust Design for Multiple Quality Characteristics) |