[2002. 07. 08.] 박사과정 조현우, IFORS 학회 발표

2020-02-16 00:31
품질공학연구실 박사과정 조현우씨가 2002년 7월 8~12일 스코틀랜드 에딘버러에서 개최된 The sixteenth triennial conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2002) 학술대회에 참가하였습니다.

발표주제는 "On-line Fault Diagnosis Method Using Fault Patterns" 입니다.

A pattern-based diagnosis method is proposed to diagnose a process on-line. We utilize principal component analysis to model and monitor the variability of a process. A triangular representation of process trends in the principal component space is employed to represent various pattern of each fault. These fault patterns are compared with each of the fault library. Likelihood index for cause candidate is introduced, and based on it we make a diagnostic decision to select the cause candidate with the highest likelihood index as an assignable cause. The proposed method is demonstrated using simulated data from Tennessee Eastman process. Several comparative studies on diagnosis resolution and robustness to noise are presented.
전체 940
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
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