[2002. 10. 26.] 박사과정 조현우, IJIE 학회 발표

2020-02-16 00:34
Cho, H. and Kim, K., "A New Statistical Approach to Diagnosing Batch Processes," The 7th Annual International Conference, Busan, Korea, October 24-26, 2002.

To solve the diagnosis problem of a batch process, a new statistical diagnosis method based on Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) is proposed in this work. The proposed method utilizes FDA to produce an empirical model, against which future behavior of a new batch is referenced in order to determine an assignable cause of a fault. To construct the empirical model, called a discriminant model, we utilize various batch runs with its assignable causes identified. The diagnosis performance of the proposed method is demonstrated using the data from PVC batch processes. The proposed method is shown to produce a reliable diagnosis performance and stable one especially at the onset of a fault.
전체 934
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
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[2002. 10. 30.] 김광재 교수님, QMOD 학회 발표
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[2002. 10. 30.] 박사과정 조현우, IJIE 학생논문상 수상
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[2002. 10. 26.] 박사과정 조현우, IJIE 학회 발표
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[2002. 10. 26.] 박사과정 정인준, IJIE 학회 발표
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[2002. 10. 26.] 김광재 교수님, IJIE 학회 발표
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[2002. 08. 19.] 박사과정 정인준, 전문요원선발시험 합격
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[2002. 07. 25.] 김광재 교수님, 홍콩과기대 방문연구원
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