[2002. 10. 26.] 박사과정 정인준, IJIE 학회 발표

2020-02-16 00:34
Jeong, I. and Kim, K., "Development of a Modified STEP Method and its Application to Multi-Response Surface Problems," The 7th Annual International Conference, Busan, Korea, October 24-26, 2002.

Step method is one of the well-known multi-objective optimization (MOO) techniques. The basic idea is to solve a multi-objective optimization problem through an interactive procedure between a model and a decision maker. The model of this method generates a local solution under the given constraints representing the decision maker’s preference information. Then, the decision maker provides some additional information to the model as to whether he or she satisfied with the result or not. The method, however, does not consider the differing degrees of satisfaction with the solution, that is, how much he or she is satisfied. In this paper, we will propose a modified method which uses a fuzzy modeling concept to resolve this limitation. The advantages and characteristics of the proposed method will be discussed by applying it to a multi-response surface problem.
전체 934
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
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